Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nude Espresso

Ahhh Finally!! Thankyou London!
I got a tip from some serious Barista's (and Aussie's too!) about this wonderful cafe near Liverpool Station in London. It's called Nude and it really made me miss Melbourne!
Not only was the door RED... which was the first tick in the box; but the dudes pulling the shots were awesome, they could tell I meant business when I walked in and asked for an espresso, and a Flat White.

It felt sooooo good to say the words FLAT WHITE! Oh how I miss real coffee...

I haven't said them in so damn long and I tell you it tasted just as good as it looked. It felt even better to drink than it did to say it. The espresso was smooth and shiny, a crema I haven't seen in months! The rosetta on my Flat White (see there I go again!) nearly knocked me out of my seat. It was damn awesome! I was so stoked I wasn't even embarassed to take photos of them!
So here you go!

If you're ever in London, go to Liverpool Station and navigate your way to Nude Espresso!
Well worth it.