Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flat White

flat white noun /Austral. flaat whyette/ /NZ flet wyte/ 1 An antipodean style coffee which is served as a strong shot of espresso served in a small cup with textured milk; a damn good strong coffee.2 51.51 (51°30′) -0.13 (0°8′).flattie noun. colloq. flat white; I’m gonna smash back a couple of flatties bro /NZ/ mate /Austral./

I’m going to say something right now. This is possibly the best coffee I have ever had.
There, I said it and I’d say it again. I have been to this café on numerous occasions and never has my opinion faltered. So then, perhaps I have said it before, but always about this place. It is Flat White, it is owned and run by Aussie’s and Kiwis and if you are a coffee drinker and in London, do not leave without going here. I couldn’t say enough about this place to truly express how good it is. Other antipodean cafes in London which are excellent in there own rights still strive to meet the level of Flat White. Flat White offers two benches in the afternoon sun out the front and faces Berwick St Market in the vibrant heart of Soho. A perfect position to watch the human salad pass by. My espresso was a smack in the face and god damn it was near perfect. A crema so thick and rich that held it’s own and sat on that table telling me it how great it was before I even tasted it. My flat white needed introduction, a Rosetta fit for the queen herself and a taste that cannot be found anywhere else in London. You can really see the colour difference in both of these coffees that I assure you, you do not find in this country. It is the rich dark gold I long for! The milk has a sweetness to it that simply proved how well it was textured before it arrived to me. The kick ass baristas; that I could have hugged because I was so happy to see them, were working away on their La Mazocco machines and trusty old Mazza grinders. I have had the privilege of working with both choice pieces of equipment but these guys proved that it is the barista that kicks that final punch. Boasting a selection of naked portafiltas and showing how well done it all is. I need not talk about anything else but the coffee, but I will. Flat White also provides a basic breakfast and light lunch menu with fine ingredients and tastes to compliment their coffee and not the other way around. They are proud of where they have come from and even have ANZAC biscuits for sale. The music is fitting and I feel very much at home in this café. There is a constant stream of addicted Aussies and Kiwis that clearly visit often. They have all their ducks in a row here, including above all, the charm that comes with passionate Australian staff that really push the experience. I love this place so much it’s worth flying across the world just for a coffee and going home. No word of a lie.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Thanks - we have never received a better review. Come back anytime! Peter H
